Make sure your expertise in sensory science and consumer research is ahead of the rest.

How can you record sensory impressions objectively and describe them clearly? What are the crucial factors for success in sensory consumer research?

We are happy to share our knowledge and experience with you in the Döhler Sensory & Consumer Science seminars – by practitioners for practitioners.

Online Registration

Register for the practical seminar in sensory science online now.

Basic principles of sensory testing procedures and application of the most important tests in analytical and affective sensory science. Two-day seminar, held three times a year in Darmstadt.

The practical seminar is geared towards all interested parties from industry and research whose day-to-day role includes responsibility for performing and analysing sensory tests.

Content of the practical seminar:

  • Theoretical principles of sensory science
  • Panellist training and panel establishment
  • Theory and practice of analytical test processes
  • Sensory consumer research
  • Principles of statistical analysis



In this training course you will learn online, yet close to practice, how to apply the most important sensory tests so that you will then be able to use them on your own. All materials and samples will be sent to you (including to your home office) ahead of the course.

Modules of the Sensory Science Online Training:

  • Theoretical principles of sensory science
  • Panel Training
  • Execution and analysis of difference tests
  • Execution and analysis of sensory profilings

This seminar is geared toward individuals with responsibility in sensory science or QS or as panel trainer, as well as entire expert panels (up to 15 people per seminar). The content and focus can be tailored to your individual wishes, for instance in relation to product categories and the prior knowledge of the participants.

Modules of the sensory science seminar concept:

  • Principles of sensory science physiology of perception 
  • Characteristics of analytical sensory science 
  • Sensory training according to DIN EN ISO 8586 and DIN ISO 3972 
  • Establishment of an analytical panel 
  • Theory and practice of difference tests (triangle tests, duo-trio tests, paired comparison tests, ranking tests) 
  • Theory and practice of product profiling (conventional profile method/QDA, consensus profiles) 
  • Language development for specific product categories 
  • Sensory science in quality assurance 
  • Basics of sensory evaluation methods
  • Off-flavour training for selected product categories


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When tasting products, it is essential that everyone speaks the same sensory language. Our extensive portfolio of sensory training references, in the form of standardised sniffing sticks, makes it possible for everyone to learn a consistent sensory language across borders and countries. The use of these references leads to an expanded sensory vocabulary and a common understanding of sensory properties. All references are field-proven by Döhler sensory experts, ready to use and easy and safe to handle.

  • Mix and Match: Create your own box based on our portfolio of more than 150 references in the following categories Beer | Fruity | Vegetable, Green | Floral | Herbs, Spices | Brown, White | Woody, Earthy, Roasted | Off-Flavour
  • Customisation: Development of customised references

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