NBB®-B-Am Broth
Detection of biofilm indicator microorganisms
Biofilms are accumulations of various microorganisms which can develop into complex colonies over time. Starting out with ubiquitous bacteria, such as acetic acid bacteria and mucous-forming microorganisms which commonly form on substrate residue in inaccessible sections on the filling line, a biofilm gradually establishes the ideal conditions for beer and beverage-spoiling microorganisms; even for strictly anaerobic bacteria such as Pectinatus and Megasphaera. If the biofilm breaks apart, the bacteria are spread throughout the environment by aerosols which may lead to the contamination of individual bottles. This is called scatter contamination or secondary contamination.
The ready-to-use NBB®-B-Am Broth allows weak points in your production and filling to be monitored continuously through the detection of indicator bacteria for biofilms using smear samples. Sampling with sterile swabs is performed at defined critical points 1-2 times a week. The samples are then incubated in NBB®-B-Am Broth and analysed for indicators such as acetic acid bacteria or mucous-forming microorganisms, etc. A positive test result is indicated when the colour changes from red to yellow. The number of positive results is then documented as a percentage.
The biological condition of a non-sterile production facility is regarded as non-critical if the number of positive results remain below the safety limit of 20% - 30%. Percentages above the limit values, or increasing numbers of positive results over a period of several weeks indicate the development of persistent biofilms. The production line must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to return to the non-critical range and prevent any risk of secondary contamination.
Please contact the following distributors or Döhler directly.
Country | Name | Adress | Phone | |
China | Shanghai Sunny Biological Science and Technology Co.Ltd | Room 1706, No.1619 Dalian road,
| info@shennei.com | +86 021 65190298 8016 |
Singapore | Avantor SEA | 18 Gul Drive
| tharachaya.woraraktiwongs@avantorinc.com | +66 95 5626963 |
Mongolia | Monbiopharm Co. Ltd. | Sukhbaatar district, 6th khoroo,
| info@monbiopharm.mn | +976 11 330234 |
Brazil | Prozyn Indústria e Comércio Ltda | Rua Dr. Paulo Leite de Oliveira, 199
| flavio.melo@prozyn.com.br | +55 11 3732 0000 |
Brazil | Merse | R. Domingos Cazotti, 284
| valkiria@merse.com.br | +55 193733 3800 |
USA | Weber Scientific | 2732 Kuser Road
| mkarczynski@weberscientific.com | +1 609-306-5032 |
USA | White Labs | 9495 Candida St
| nparker@whitelabs.com | +1 858 527 7358 |
USA | BSG | 9650 East 40th Ave
| rnelson@bsgcraftbrewing.com | +1 303 574 8955 |
Canada | ProSource Scientific | 5370 Canotek Road Unit 11
| duane@psscientific.com | +1 866 939 9959 |
France | Laboratories Humeau | ZA Gesvrine - 4 rue Kepler BP 4125
| m.minier@humeau.com | +33 2 40 93 53 53 |
France | Brewpark sas | Rue des Colinettes
| michael.gelender@brewpark.com | +33 3 26 55 82 89 |
Italy | Sacco S.r.l. | Via A. Manzoni 29/A
| p.berardinetti@saccosrl.it | +39 031 8866607 |
Latvia | SnapTest.LV SIA | Valmieras iela 31B
| gints@snaptest.lv | +371 26 53 47 45 |
United Kingdom | Trafalgar Scientific Ltd | 190 Waterside Rd, Leicester LE5 1QZ
| asmith@trafalgarscientific.co.uk | +44 116 287 9460 |
Netherlands | SBI Europe | Kraaiondonk 44
| pvanrooij@sbi4beer.com | +31 413 783 880 |
all European countries | VWR International | Hilpertstraße 20a
| info.de@vwr.com | +49 800 702 00 07 |
all other countries | Döhler GmbH | Riedstraße 7-9
| dmd@doehler.com | +49 (0)6151 3060 |